The Internal competition comprises of 6 rounds, 4 of which are open subject and 2 will have set subject. An independent judge is assigned to each round. Each round of the competition will have 6 sections as follows: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced in both Prints and Projected Images (Pdi'S). Members can enter up to 3 images in each of the sections to which they are eligible. The judge will be asked to choose a first, second, third place and as many highly commended and commended as they wish in each of the sections. The placed images will have scores assigned for purposes of the league tables as follows: First = 20, Second = 19, Third = 18, Highly Commended = 16, Commended = 15 Held with no placing or award = 14 all other entries will be given 13 points. Only the top two scoring images from each author will be forwarded to the league table. A full copy of the rules is included in your programme or speak to the Internal Competition Secretary.